5 research outputs found

    Media panic : the duo media - youth as problem for didactic and teaching plan

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    Relacja: m艂odzie偶 i nowe media jest przedmiotem sprzecznych interpretacji, pe艂nych utopii lub wype艂nionych niepokojami i l臋kami. Debaty o nowych mediach powoduj膮 rozgrzanie reakcji emocjonalnych. W tym przypadku mamy do czynienia z tym, co mo偶e by膰 okre艣lane jako panika medialna. Panika przechodzi i jest zapominana, z wyj膮tkiem pami臋ci zbiorowej, innym razem powoduje zmiany o charakterze prawnym i spo艂ecznym. Moda na nowe media odsy艂a starsze media na drugi plan. K. Drotner twierdzi, 偶e nowe media s艂u偶膮 jako mentalne metafory do dyskutowania i debatowania o szeroko poj臋tych zagadnieniach spo艂ecznych. Autor podziela pogl膮dy, 偶e poprzez tworzenie slogan贸w okre艣laj膮cych konkretne pokolenie zwalniamy od odpowiedzialno艣ci wychowawc贸w, nauczycieli i rodzic贸w za dzieci i uczni贸w, w kwestii ich korzystania z nowych medi贸w. Jednocze艣nie firmy informatyczne broni膮 swoich pozycji w debacie publicznej.The relation between the modern media technologies and youth is extremely problematic because their debates are polarized. There is a view which emphasises benefits provided by new technologies and the genius of young digital natives; on the other hand, there is a point on the downside which is destructive and crumbles potentials. Therefore, youth and new media are subjects of contradictory representations full of utopia or full of anxieties and fears. In some cases, a debate of a new medium brings about heated, emotional reactions. In that case we have what may be defined as a media panic. The panic passes over and is forgotten, except in collective memory; at other times it has repercussions and might produce such change as those in legal and social policy. Like this the intense preoccupation with the latest media fad immediately relegates older media to the shadows of acceptance. K. Drotner argues that new media serve as mental metaphors for discussing and debating wider social concerns. We argue, with an approach close to S. Hall et al., that through the creation of slogans to indicate a specific generation, we give alibis to educators, teachers and parents not to feel their responsibilities for their children and students when they approach new media. At the same time, publishing and information technology companies are able to feed public debate about concerns or idealization inherent to new media, in order to defend their advantageous position

    The new digital economy? : If we want things to stay as they are, things will have to change

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    Internet to rodzaj cyfrowego fetyszu dla r贸偶nego rodzaju fantazji i dzia艂a艅 politycznych. To medium demokratyczne, poza jak膮kolwiek logik膮 rynkow膮, oparte na konkretyzacji daru anty-utylitarystycznego Maussa. Wraz z ewolucj膮 i sukcesem Internetu logiki rynku sta艂y si臋 cz臋艣ci膮 艣wiata cyfrowego. Zdaniem wielu autor贸w koncepcja ekonomii dar贸w mog艂aby wsp贸艂istnie膰 z gospodark膮 rynkow膮. Gospodarka moralna opisuje zbi贸r norm spo艂ecznych, wp艂ywa na wzajemne zrozumienie, poszanowanie praw i interes贸w uczestnik贸w. W rzeczywisto艣ci to, co wydaje si臋 by膰 now膮 gospodark膮, to ewolucja kapitalizmu postindustrialnego, nowy model biznesowy, kt贸ry utrwala stare r贸wnowagi ekonomiczne. Internet okazuje si臋 by膰 miejscem, w kt贸rym firmy daj膮 bezp艂atnie surowe produkty oraz platformy, a u偶ytkownicy korzystaj膮 z nich za darmo, przynosz膮c warto艣膰 tre艣ciom i samym firmom. Ten nowy model zak艂ada analiz臋 strategii produkcji i mechanizm贸w zysku ekonomicznego. Produkcja przenios艂a si臋 z fabryki do przedsi臋biorstw, za艣 produkcja spo艂eczna jest teraz nowym modelem organizacyjnym.Internet has assumed, and still assumes, the role of a digital fetish. A network which projects all sorts of fantasies and hopes about political actions. A truly democratic opportunity, beyond any commercial logic, founded on the concretization of Mauss鈥檚 anti-utilitarian gift. With internet鈥檚 evolution and success, the principles and logic of the market have joined the web. Such evolution induced many authors to conceive an economy model where the gift economy and the gain economy could coexist together. A moral economy that describes a set of social norms and mutual understanding respectful of the rights and interests of the participants. What would appears as a new economy model is rather an evolution of post-industrial capitalism. A new business model has perpetuated the old economic equilibrium. The internet is an environment where the companies give away raw products and platforms and the users use them for free, add value and worth to the contents and to the companies themselves. This new business model entails an analysis of the relationship between production strategies and mechanisms about economic profit. Production has moved from the factory to society and social production is the new organizational model

    "Envisioning power" : some considerations on reception of the latest work by Eric Wolf

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    In the year 1999, shortly before his death, Eric R. Wolf published a book entitled Envisioning Power, in which he argued that the human sciences have overlooked how cultural configurations intertwine with power relations. In that book, Wolf also tried to show the way to explore the historical relationship between ideas, power, and culture, by investigating three societies located in different times and spaces: the Kwakiutl, the Atzechi and the Hitler's National Socialist Germany. After providing a brief summary of the book, this article focuses on the reception of Wolf鈥檚 ideas. Envisioning Power has been reviewed by several experts in the field, such as S. R. Barrett, S. Stokholm, J. Burke, A. Forbes, H. E. L. Prins, I. Portis-Winner, D. Nugent, R. Rotenberg, and A. Macfarlane. The main goal of the article is to show the extent to which Envisioning Power has attracted consensus or stimulated controversy